Let Them Eat Cereal: Official Press Release Page

Join the Movement: Spread the Word

As part of our initiative to hold Kellogg's accountable for better food quality, transparency, and fair pricing, we are launching a 90-day boycott starting April 1st. Our collective voice is powerful, and to amplify our message, we need your help to spread the word.

Press Release: Let Them Eat Cereal Boycott

Our press release outlines our demands, the rationale behind the boycott, and the changes we hope to see from Kellogg's. It's not just about one brand; it's about setting a precedent for consumer rights and corporate responsibility across the food industry.

How You Can Help:

  • Send to Local News Outlets: Your local newspapers, TV stations, and radio channels are always on the lookout for stories that matter to their audience. Submit our press release to them.

  • Post on Nextdoor: Nextdoor is a fantastic platform to engage with your neighbors and local community. Share the press release and encourage discussions on how everyone can contribute to the boycott.

  • Use The Path: If you're on The Path, use it to spread the message. It's a great way to reach out to those in your immediate and extended network who care about food quality and consumer rights.

  • Social Media Blast: Use your social media platforms—Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn—to share the press release. Hashtags like #LetThemEatCereal, #BoycottKelloggs, and #ConsumerPower can help gain traction.

  • Email Campaigns: Draft a personal email highlighting why this movement matters to you and attach our press release. Send it to your contact list to encourage personal engagement.

Resources for Sharing:

On this page, you'll find downloadable versions of our press release, along with ready-to-use social media posts and graphics. Make use of these tools to make your voice heard.

Why Your Voice Matters:

Every share, every email, every post counts. By getting our press release into the hands of as many people as possible, we not only raise awareness but also strengthen our collective bargaining power. This isn't just about Kellogg's—it's about showing the world that consumers have the power to drive change.

Let's make sure our message is loud and clear: We demand better, and we're willing to fight for it. Join us in making history. Share our press release today.

Stay Connected:

For updates, success stories, and to stay engaged with the movement, make sure to check back here regularly. Together, we can make a difference.

#LetThemEatCereal #BoycottKelloggs #ConsumerPower

Kellogg's Press Release


Let Them Eat Cereal

"Let Them Eat Cereal" Movement Embarks on Transformative 90-Day Boycott Against Kellogg's

[NEW YORK, NY, April 1, 2024] – Launching with the sunrise today, the Let Them Eat Cereal movement begins its pivotal 90-day boycott against Kellogg's, marking a bold step towards demanding fairness, transparency, and sustainability within the food industry. This initiative, ignited on TikTok in reaction to a flippant remark by Kellogg's CEO, has rapidly evolved into a formidable campaign for change, championed by spokesperson @TallGirl6234, who has been instrumental in rallying support and organizing this collective action.

The movement's immediate demands from Kellogg's include fair pricing, reduction of executive salaries with assurances of no retaliation against employees, and the adoption of food quality and safety standards on par with those in the UK. This 90-day period is a strategic choice, demonstrating the potential impact of collective consumer action and providing a window for Kellogg's to engage constructively with the campaign’s demands.

"This movement isn’t owned by any one individual; it's a collective surge towards meaningful change by people everywhere. For too long, we've been taken advantage of, fed lies, and financially squeezed, only to be told that the solution to our problems is an $8 box of cereal. We, the people, are done," asserts @TallGirl6234, spokesperson for the Let Them Eat Cereal movement. "After Kellogg's, we're setting our sights on Nestlé. Our sequential strategy underscores our commitment to creating lasting change across the entire food industry."

The movement, which began as a digital phenomenon, has since garnered widespread support, advocating not just for changes at Kellogg's but heralding a call to action against other major players in the food industry, with Nestlé identified as the next target for a subsequent 90-day boycott.

Powered by grassroots organization and amplified by social media, Let Them Eat Cereal represents a broad coalition of consumers, environmental advocates, and workers' rights groups, all united in their quest for a more ethical and sustainable food system.

"We encourage everyone who shares our concerns to join us in this endeavor," adds @TallGirl6234. "Your support, your voice, and your choices have the power to drive real, meaningful change. This boycott is just the beginning."

At the heart of the Let Them Eat Cereal movement lies a powerful message: this boycott is driven not by a demand on essential workers but by those among us who have the means to choose where our dollars go. It's for individuals who can afford to bypass Kellogg's products and dedicate the time to uncover the white-labeled goods that, unknowingly, funnel profits back to Kellogg's. This movement is built on the strength of informed choices, leveraging the privilege of choice to advocate for change. It's a call to action for those who can participate, to do the research, understand the broader impact of their purchases, and use their purchasing power as a tool for advocacy.

However, we recognize that not everyone is in a position to join this boycott, and that's okay. For those in food deserts, isolated towns, or communities where Kellogg's might be the only available option, the priority must always be feeding your family and ensuring their well-being. This movement is not about casting judgment or shaming those who, for any reason, cannot partake or must bow out. What we seek is a show of numbers from those who are able to contribute, to demonstrate the collective power of consumers when we stand together. Your understanding, support, and even the intent to participate are valued and understood. The Let Them Eat Cereal movement is about inclusivity and unity in the face of corporate practices that deserve scrutiny, aiming for a future where all consumers have access to fair, transparent, and sustainable food options.

Moreover, we fully acknowledge and respect the complexities of dietary needs, especially for individuals on the autism spectrum who may rely on specific "safe foods" to navigate their daily lives comfortably. Safe foods can often be products from familiar brands like Kellogg's, which provide a sense of security and routine that is paramount. This movement stands with individuals and families for whom such choices are more than preference—they're a necessity. We emphasize that our call for boycott considers the diverse needs of all community members, including those on the spectrum. Our advocacy for change within the food industry is rooted in compassion and understanding, aiming to create a more equitable environment for all, without compromising the well-being of anyone who finds solace in consistency. Everyone's journey is unique, and while we strive for widespread participation, we deeply respect the choices made by individuals and families to ensure personal comfort and stability. The Let Them Eat Cereal movement is inclusive, recognizing the importance of supportive and safe dietary options for everyone, especially for those with specific needs.

For details on how to support the Let Them Eat Cereal movement and its campaign against Kellogg's, please visit letthemeatcereal.info.

About the Let Them Eat Cereal Movement

The Let Them Eat Cereal movement emerged from a viral TikTok response to corporate insensitivity, growing into a significant consumer advocacy campaign. Led by spokesperson @TallGirl6234, the movement seeks to hold food industry giants accountable, pushing for ethical corporate behavior and advocating for a just, transparent, and sustainable food industry.